What about values?

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Family Values Tree



Family Values Tree

We all have a definition of what values are because of what we were talk in our families growing up. Sometimes because of our background we clash with other people who didn’t learn the same way or same thing we did and we never consider that maybe the values that were taught at an other persons home are different then ours.

This tree that you see attached to this message shows all different kinds of characteristics or aspects. In society these characteristics on this tree are the more general or basic things that mostly every family i know has because of the values that were taught. Please comment on any of these characteristics that your family may have or may have not included when you were brought up and why or why not it was important to you. Have fun!


  1. Entiendo que los valores comienzan desde el hogar. Pienso que uno de los factores que esta afectando grandemente a la sociedad hoy dia es la falta de valores. Gracias a este blog las personas que se encuentran en diversas partes del mundo podran conocer un poco mas sobre la importancia de los valores. No obstante, nosotros como miembros de la sociedad no podemos esperar a que los demas comiencen a hacer el cambio, sino que, debemos de comenzar nosotros. Te felicito por este blog. Es uno organizado y lleno de mucha informacion que nos ayudara a pensar mas en lo que estamos haciendo para pasarlos a nuestras futuras generaciones. Dios te bendiga mucho!!!!!

  2. elvisr77 says:

    I think its pretty cool how a tree is used in order to illustrate this particular point. In a way, teaching values in the home from a young age will help children grow and develop into a strong tree with a firm base. Too little values will leave you with an easily breakable twig. 🙂

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